

PORT speaks to Japanese designer Hiromichi Ochiai, creative director of FACETASM, who explains why he nominates film director Gus Van Sant as his genius

Still from 'Elephant' (2003)
‘Elephant’, Gus Van Sant (2003)

“Gus Van Sant is one of my favourite movie directors and I have always been inspired by him. My favourite movie is Elephant , which he directed in 2003 (and won the Palme d’Or for at Cannes the same year). I watch it every season before I start to design the collection.

Still from 'My Own Private Idaho' (1991)
‘My Own Private Idaho’, Gus Van Sant (1991)

“Emotions including loneliness are shown throughout the movie, but there remains a little hope. I always think how I can express this mood with FACETASM. The styling of the characters in Van Sant’s films are always really impressive. But in terms of fashion, I was most impressed by the movie My Own Private Idaho, which he directed in 1991.”