Art & Photography

Cosmic Rays

From Max Vadukul’s archive, an unpublished photo of Anthony and Iggy

This portrait of Anthony Bourdain and Iggy Pop was unexpected. I didn’t know what kind of shot I was going to end up with. They were both sunbathing and relaxing with their shirts off in a garden in the El Portal neighbourhood of Miami. As they relaxed, I approached them from behind, and without any introduction I just started taking pictures. I told them: “Don’t move.” They instantly froze. After a few shutter clicks, I already knew I got the shot I wanted. But what happened afterwards was more interesting. They began discussing life and death, and I was deeply touched by some of what they said. Iggy said he thought about death a lot and that he wouldn’t mind vanishing into the ether. Anthony said he wouldn’t mind if his last moments were spent having sushi at his favourite restaurant in Tokyo. They talked about life in great and honest detail, and I thought that was a powerful thing.

As told to Alex Vadukul

This article is taken from Port issue 28. To continue reading, buy the issue or subscribe here